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BOLT Buzz - Customer Forum

Introducing BOLT Buzz! It's our new customer forum - Facebook group. Shout it out!! We want to hear all that's happening in your tennis and BOLT universe. BOLT Buzz is a public group, open to everyone.

BOLT Buzz is a place to share any aspect of your BOLT tennis experience. Maybe you have a stroke that got better when you started playing with a BOLT. Maybe you discovered a string set-up that works great, or maybe you're beating a previously unbeatable opponent! Whatever it is, we hope you'll share it with the world. With your help we'll learn together, all that the BOLTs are capable of and all the ways they can be optimized. Have fun playing the sport of a lifetime and let's continue the discovery!

Click on the image above or click this link to visit the group and become a member - BOLT Buzz.


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